A Letter From Affordable Inspection Service on COVID-19


  • To ensure the safety and well being of buyers, buyers’ agents and our inspectors, we will follow the guidance issued by State of Ohio and the CDC.

  • We ask that if your attending the inspection that you please adhere to the personal space guidelines outlined by the CDC.

  • We have asked our Inspectors to wear protective gloves, shoe covers, and protective masks during the course of the home inspection. Every effort will be taken to minimize physical contact with any surface to limit the potential for transmission of communicable disease.

  • If any of our Inspectors exhibits any symptoms that could be related to COVID-19 they will be quarantined for a minimum of 14 days. In addition, all contact that was made by the Inspector with Buyer's, Buyers’ Agent, and any current residents of the dwelling will be contacted and informed of the situation.

As always, we thank you for your business and understanding.