Below are some questions we recommend asking when selecting a home inspector. We’re also provided a form here that will help you navigate finding an inspector capable of handling your needs.

1. Did someone actually answer the phone?

Many home inspectors operate very small single person operations. Not that there is any real inherent problem with this, but what if you have a question later or need assistance. Wouldn’t it be nice to get hold of a real person and not somebody’s voice mail? When you call Affordable Inspection Service during normal business hours, you will be greeted by Jane who is our office manager, she can help guide you through the process and answer most questions that you might have.

2. How long have you been in business?

We all started at some point, but do you really want your inspector practicing his new skills on your house? Affordable Inspection Service has been providing home inspections throughout Cleveland and Northeast Ohio since 1994. Same company, same service. We aren’t going anywhere. We’ll be here when you need us.

3. How many inspections have you done?

There’s no real way to prove this one, but suffice it say there are a lot of fish tales out there. It’s better to know how long someone’s been in business. If you are a poor inspector, you’ll run out of time, money and energy within a few years. Affordable Inspection Service has done well over 15,000 inspections in the greater Cleveland area.

4. How long does an inspection take?

Again, we are back to the pay by the hour argument. It generally takes 2 to 3 hours to complete an inspection. Sometimes longer sometimes a little less. Affordable Inspection Service will take as long as we need to do a thorough inspection and ensure all your questions are answered.

5. Can I attend the inspection?

If the answer is no, RUN! I’ve seen inspectors who spent 20 minutes inspecting a house because the client wasn’t there. Affordable Inspection Service strongly encourages you to attend the inspection, follow us around, ask as many questions as you want and get involved with the inspection. If you cannot be there, I promise you we will do the same inspection with the same attention to detail as if you were looking over our shoulder. It’s the way we do business and it is why return customers choose us time and time again.

6. Do you do any kind of repair work?

If the answer is yes, you might want to look elsewhere. Not that an inspector who also does home repair is dishonest, but why would you want to hire an inspector who has enough free time on his hands to repair houses? Also, this is a big conflict of interest to say to you “Well, Mr. Smith, it looks as if you need a new roof, do you want me to come over and put a new one on for you?” Affordable Inspection Service will not make repairs. We can generally give you some good advice if you want to tackle a project on your own.

7. Do you attend Continuing Education?

Absolutely we do. We are required to attend classes every year to ensure we are up on the latest techniques, building trends, developments in the construction industry and on any Cleveland building code changes.

8. Do you use a pre-inspection agreement?

Most inspectors use some sort of contract to protect themselves. Make sure the contract also offers you protection and spells out what the Inspection Company is required to inspect and what they won’t. Curious what a pre-inspection report looks like here in Cleveland? You may view / download the Affordable Inspection Service pre-inspection agreement from our website.

9. What kind of report do you produce?

Affordable Inspection Service uses a computer generated report. We purchase our inspection software from 3-D Inspection System. They have been the leader in inspection software for many years. Our reports are very easy to understand with no technical jargon and everything fully explained.

10. When will I get the report?

Affordable Inspection Service will make sure you get your report the day of the inspection or in the most extreme case within 24 hours. If we are mailing you your report, we will send it Priority Mail. If you need it “Overnighted”, no problem, we will only charge you the actual additional mailing expenses.


“Can I view a sample report?”

Reports vary significantly from one inspector to the next. We recommend looking at their report before deciding. Many companies use a check-sheet report which is not very helpful once they are gone. Affordable Inspection Service uses a computer generated narrative style report.